Time flies, and we have come to the last article of this series, which also means that I have graduated from National Tsing Hua University! I hope this series of articles about my graduate school journey has been helpful to the readers. Now, let me share with you my experiences during the last semester of my graduate studies!
You can also refer to my other stories:
課程 Curriculums
This semester I only took two courses, both of which were required courses. The reason why I only took two courses is that I have completed all the required/non-required courses! In addition, I also need to do an internship and write my master's thesis at the same time, so I don’t have much energy to take extra courses.
- 科技行銷:必修課之一,我自己是還蠻喜歡這堂課的整體氣氛的。沒有期中期末考,有期中分組paper、分組個案報告、期末分組報告/分組paper、有不定期的課堂中分組討論、2次客座講座,loading不重,整體而言算是相當輕鬆愉快。
分組個案報告的case都還算新,公司包含:Uber, Grab, Netflix, Apple等等。我個人覺得可以透過分組個案報告這個機會去更加了解一個企業的商業模式及週邊政策,是一件很不錯的事。
- Technology Marketing: It is one of the required courses for an international MBA here, and I personally quite like the overall atmosphere of the class. There are no mid-term or final exams, but rather a mid-term group paper, group case report, final group report/paper, occasional in-class group discussions, and two guest lectures (Shopee/MoBagel). The overall workload is not heavy, and it is considered quite relaxed and enjoyable.
The course mainly focuses on how to use the convenience of technology to assist marketing campaign activities, including the basic 4Ps, marketing strategies, and market segmentation. The guest lectures were given by Shopee and MoBagel, who shared their insights on product and strategy. Personally, what I like about this course is the culture of post-class discussion online. After the group case report presentation, the teacher usually posts a discussion topic on the course platform for us to discuss based on the case analysis report of the week. I think the discussion after thinking is quite meaningful, and sometimes we can get new perspectives from the discussion.
The cases for the group report were relatively new, including companies like Uber, Grab, Netflix, and Apple. Personally, I think it’s a great opportunity to learn more about a company’s business model and surrounding policies through the group case report.
The midterm written report is about opinions on live streaming on the internet, while the final group report is about proposing market segmentation methods for a virtual company and presenting them in class. I think both of these topics are good ones that I am interested in and can perform well in, and I would like to share them with everyone for reference.
2. 資訊管理系統:也是必修課之一,但相較之下我就沒有那麼喜歡,不過老實說課程的內容其實是有系統化有內容的。我沒那麼喜歡的原因是課程內容的案例老舊的比例太高,真的不是很符合我自己的期待。這門課有期中個人報告、期末考、2次分組報告、每週預習心得,簡單來說就是loading不會很重,但是有一堆功課等你完成的課程。個人建議能碩一修就修,拖到碩二如果有實習的話會覺得有點負擔(尤其跟我一樣春季進來的,等於是最後一學期在修,實習+論文的loading真的沒在開玩笑,再加一堂需要這樣的課真的會很想哭)。
2. Management Information System: This is also one of the required courses, but I don’t like it as much compared to the others. The course content itself is systematic and informative. However, the reason why I don’t like it as much is that the ratio of outdated case studies is too high, which doesn’t really meet my expectations. This course includes a mid-term individual report, a final exam, two group reports, and weekly previews journal, in simple terms, the workload is not too heavy, but there are a lot of assignments to be completed. I personally suggest taking this course in the first year of your graduate school studies. If you wait until the second year and have an internship, it can be a burden (especially for those, like me, who entered in the spring semester and are taking this course in their last semester with the added workload of the internship and thesis, it can really make you cry).
The main content covered in this course is ERP/CRM/SCM. I think that after studying for the entire semester, I did gain some understanding of the operational models within a company. However, the cases used in the course are quite outdated, so there is still a gap between what we learned and what we might encounter in the real workplace. Nevertheless, overall I still gained some systematic knowledge from the course.
論文 Thesis
我的論文主題主要是在研究知識管理,並搭配台灣手搖飲料產業作為實驗主題。會選知識管理當作論文的研究主題是因為自己每次在點手搖飲料的時候都會想超久,然後還是會點一樣的飲料,所以就有了是否可以以這個為idea,來設計出一個可以應用知識管理的聊天機器人。剛好研究到一半的時候ChatGPT launch,希望未來這方面的研究可以更加明朗化。
Graduate students always put a lot of effort into their master’s thesis during their final semester, and I am no exception. In addition to the weekly courses, I also need to spend about 1–2 hours meetings with my thesis advisor and doing preliminary work before conducting experiments. Therefore, life this semester has been quite compressed for me.
My thesis topic focuses on knowledge management, combined with the Taiwanese bubble tea industry as the experimental subject. I chose knowledge management as the research topic because every time I order bubble tea, I always take a long time to decide and end up ordering the same drink. This led me to wonder if I could design a chatbot that utilizes knowledge management to help customers choose their drinks more efficiently. Coincidentally, during my research, ChatGPT was launched, and I hope that future research in this area can be more transparent with the use of such tools.
I will also share articles about my master’s thesis in the future, and I plan to share how to find an advisor, how to collaborate with the advisor, how to write a thesis, my experience of the oral defense, and the procedures for leaving school, etc on my medium. Please stay tuned!
實習 Internship
我這學期加入了台灣數一數二的B2B SaaS公司當Product Marketing Intern,老實說我自己很開心能有這樣的機會,畢竟在職涯探索這一方面,我其實已經滿確定就是未來最想要往MarTech這塊領域去繼續發展,所以能在頂尖的公司實習我很知足,也很感恩可以有這個機會。
- 決策前充分思考:我自認自己在decision-making上算蠻快的人,但是快也不代表好,雖然有時候我自認在決策前的思考不算少,但是回過頭來想其實還是有不夠周全的地方,我學到了之後其實可以透過以下方式去改善:
- 詢問前輩(正職):我們經驗相較之下比較不足,我們可以先整理好自己的問題與concern,用簡潔的方式與前輩們快速溝通,不只可以確認自己的邏輯是否正確,也可以透過前輩們的思維去檢視自己的能力樹
- 再給自己多一點時間:因為我做事速度算快,所以其實我可以在繳交期限前再次全盤的思考一下,看看有沒有遺漏的部分。我覺得這點在練習上我覺得還不錯,目前已有所進步。
2. 更主動積極:雖然我自認自己算是一個滿積極的人,但是我認為在積極尋求資源與幫助上我可以再更積極一點。所以我目前的做法是我會在前輩們有空的前提下,再想辦法多從前輩身上們多問些問題,我覺得目前的成效還不錯,總是能得到我意料之外的答案與收穫。所以我也很推薦大家可以透過這樣的方式去讓自己去學習、得到更多的前輩經驗!
3. 釐清自己的技能樹,隨時清點自己的技能裝備:我覺得這個在實習中很重要的原因是因為你在清點完之後,一定可以知道自己目前現階段到底還欠缺哪些方面的能力,你就可以跟你的主管談談看是不是可以讓你嘗試看看可以讓你累積這些技能的專案或是任務,可以讓你增進自己不熟的技能。我覺得這樣真的可以讓你在實習的過程中達到「練功」的效益。就拿自己來說好了,在完成一些support的任務之後,我就會在跟主管1:1的時候就會提到說是否能派給我一些之前沒有做過的任務,讓我可以試試看(但前提是本身被assign的任務有被好好完成,我個人覺得很重要)像我自己就藉由這樣的契機,得到了許多之前沒有接觸過的專案的機會,讓我真的收穫滿滿。所以我滿鼓勵大家可以透過這樣的方式,去讓自己有機會接觸不一樣的專案。
This semester, I joined one of Taiwan’s top B2B SaaS companies as a Product Marketing Intern. Honestly, I am very happy to have this opportunity. In terms of career exploration, I am quite certain that I want to continue developing in the MarTech field. So, being able to intern at a top company is something I am grateful for and feel very content about.
Here, I would like to share the 3 key takeaways from my internship experience:
- Think thoroughly before making decisions: I consider myself to be a fast decision-maker, but being fast doesn’t always mean being good. Although I believe I have thought through my decisions thoroughly at times, looking back, I realize there are still areas where I could be more comprehensive. After this internship, I learned that I can improve by:
- Consulting with senior colleagues: Compared to them, we have less experience. So, we can organize our questions and concerns and communicate them briefly with our seniors. This not only confirms the correctness of our logic but also helps us evaluate our abilities by learning from their way of thinking.
- Giving myself more time: Because I work quickly, I can take some extra time to think comprehensively again before the deadline. I think I have improved in this area through practice.
2. Be more proactive: Although I consider myself a fairly proactive person, I believe I can be even more proactive in seeking out resources and help. Therefore, my current approach is to try to ask more questions from my senior colleagues when they have time. I find that this has been quite effective, and I often get unexpected answers and insights. So, I highly recommend that everyone try to learn from their senior colleagues in this way and gain more experience!
3. Clarify your own skill tree and constantly check your skill equipment: I think this is important during the internship because after you have checked your skills, you will know which areas you are still lacking in terms of abilities. Then, you can talk to your mentor/line manager and see if there are any projects or tasks that can help you accumulate these skills and improve your unfamiliar skills. I think this can really achieve the benefits of “practicing” during the internship. For myself, after completing some support tasks, I would mention to my mentor/line manager during the 1:1 meeting whether I could be assigned some tasks that I have not done before, so I can try them out (but the premise is that the tasks assigned to me have been completed properly, which I personally think is important). Through this opportunity, I have gained many chances to work on projects that I have not previously worked on, which has given me a lot of valuable experience. So I encourage everyone to use this method to have the opportunity to work on different projects.
其他 Others
我之後也計畫會更新有關於科技行銷、論文研究、工作面試心得的文章,也歡迎你追蹤我的 medium,一起來互相交流!
My experience about my graduate school ends here. I sincerely appreciate the attention and support from all of my readers. I believe that sharing my own experience of attending graduate school with everyone is a great thing, as it allows me to organize my own experiences and get to know more talented readers. It is truly an unexpected gain for me!
In the future, I also plan to update articles related to technology marketing, thesis research, and job interview experiences. You are welcome to follow my medium and let’s exchange ideas together!
給我6~10拍手: 我很喜歡這篇文章!
若你有任何相關問題,歡迎來信 unawu1010@gmail.com ( p.s. 最近較忙碌,約3~7天會回信!),也歡迎book my calendar與我聊聊!